Challenger Baseball: What it Means for Your Kids

Mar. 19, 2021

"The most fundamental goal of the Challenger division is to give everyone a chance to play, regardless of limitations"

Disability should not mean disadvantage, and that is the primary focus of Challenger Baseball! 

We want your kids to have the opportunity to play ball, no matter what physical or mental obstacles they're facing. 

The Rules of Challenger Baseball:

  • All children ages six through eighteen, or the completion of school, with physical or mental disabilities are encouraged to participate
  • Level of play based upon players' size, age, and skill level are recommended where numbers allow
  • Teams shall include as many as 15 to 20 players
  • Players will participate in one of three levels: Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Player Pitch
  • Each player in Tee Ball and Coach Pitch will use the "Buddy" system, while "Buddies" can also assist the Player Pitch participants
  • Every player on the roster shall be on the batting order and shall play defensively for at least one half of every game
  • No team shall be scheduled to play two games in one day
  • The side is retired when the offense has batted through the roster, or when a pre-determined number of runs has been scored, or when three outs are recorded
  • Little League recommends that no score be kept during games
  • Challenger Division players wear the same uniforms, shoulder patches, and safety equipment as other Little Leaguers

Playing with the same equipment on the same fields, Challenger Division participants learn not only the fundamentals of baseball, but also how it feels to be just like other children - pulling together as a team, being cheered for, and earning awards for their achievements.

Here is an article from 1991 about Challenger Baseball!

To learn more about Challenger Baseball, visit their Website

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